I am Heather Walker, Owner and Photographer for Columbus Boudoir. And YES, these are photos of me!!
A Self Love Portrait to remind me I am beautiful and worthy and also to show me in my favorite place in the world, the beach and ocean!!
And here is a shot of me… in my undies..haha… heck I am a boudoir photographer, so why not!
I have been shooting boudoir exclusively for over 12 yrs. I started out in college with a portrait photography degree, in 1992 and yep, it was film only back then, no photoshop! I have had a camera in my face my whole life it seems! I wouldn’t have it ANY OTHER WAY! Once I had my children, I started a portrait studio, I shot many different genres, but once I shot my first boudoir session, that was all I wanted to do from then on!
I am so thankful I am a boudoir photographer. It is so rewarding for me to help other women see their beauty! We celebrate each and every woman and capture their best self on images that will be showcased and last forever!
My studio is a self love place, no negative self talk will be allowed! As women we are always doing so much for others and usually we put ourselves last. But the day you are with me, you are priority one! We celebrate you! I will show you how beautiful you are bring it to the forefront!
If you are curious about me, and need more info, the first place I post things each and every day is Instagram! So make sure to follow me there, ask questions, interact, and get to know me! Just follow @columbusboudoir (there is a link here too!) and I cant wait to work with you!
Oh and another favorite shot I did in my self portrait series!
Video from a past studio I had in Downtown Columbus!